

"Cash-A-Likes - 18 Men In Black Who Walked The Line"
Trailer-Park Records ‎– TPR-LP-5504
1 –Bob Wayne Big Train 2 –Jim Nesbitt Working All My Life 3 –Johnny Doe Devil Train 4 –Johnny Sea My Baby Walks All Over Me 5 –The Tar Heel Drifters Long Legged Guitar Pickin' Man 6 –Bill Compton Iron Man 7 –Ernie Barton The Battle Of Earl K. Long 8 –Durwood Daly That's The Way It Goes 9 –Wes Buchanan Only Fools 10 –Wayne Cross Stranger In Black 11 –Sammy Julian Lead Guitar Man 12 –Travis Pritchett Whipping Tree 13 –Melvin Nash True Lovin' Woman 14 –Wayne Calvert Southbound Train 15 –Johnny Nelmes Mr. Freight Train 16 –Curtis And The Melody Cowboys Mr. Blue 17 –Sleepy La Beef Ridin' fence 18 –Circle K Wranglers The Cash Song